
Bad information ruins lives. The Eagle Eye is a team of independent fact checkers who find, expose and counter the harm it does. False or misleading claims affect us all. As fact checkers, we have seen first-hand how bad information promotes hate, damages people’s health, and hurts democracy. Provide fact-checking services for our clients and also provide training of journalists and advocates on fact checking skills and techniques.

This is the civil society arm of The Eagle Eye. We do fact checking for publish interest without necessarily being paid to do it. In achieving this goal, we employ both fact checking and investigative journalism tips and tools to get the work done.

The Eagle Eye fights for the right information to reach the people who need it most, whether it is individuals making decisions about their health or who to vote for; or politicians debating the future of the country.

Our principles are simple. Anyone making serious claims in public debate—fact checkers included—should be prepared to get their facts right, back up what they say with evidence or correct their mistakes.

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