
One of the potential risks of buying a land is that you are also buying the seller’s problem. Due diligence in real estate helps you to avoid making a big financial mistake by knowing the important details about the property you are purchasing before you buy it.

We study the land’s ownership history, current ownership, legal documents and if it is a disputed land, we follow the documents in detail and establish when the person or real estate company who are claiming to own the land are the rightful legal owners of the land.

Buying a land or a compound from a real estate, a family or an individual requires intensive due diligence to uncover key information that may not be readily apparent or available in evaluating the value of a property. 

The Eagle Eye thoroughly inspects the fundamentals of a property, seller, and compliance obligations to reduce and mitigate uncertainties. 

Our due diligence extends beyond matters related to the property being acquired. Our background check also vets the seller’s reputation, track record and legal history.

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